System module can zip onto any other FLEX System module.
This configuration will very commonly be used to carry a 13" Laptop along with an iPad (or other tablet) and some additional documentation. But it might also serve as an ultra narrow VFR flight bag if you happen to have the compact in-the-ear type of headset, or a headset where the ear cups fold flat. It's also a great commercial carry-on bag, or an outstanding daily personal bag (also known as a "man purse").
The other great thing about this bag is that it is actually TWO bags. Not only is it a B2 COMPUTE, but you can also build a B0 SLIM by removing the center section and zipping just the two End Cap modules together. (But again, if you plan to do so, be sure to order a SLIM HANDLE KIT.)
Storage on the B2 starts with the POCKET CAP FRONT: The POCKET CAP FRONT acts like the "hub" for your entire FLEX System. No matter which configuration you carry you'll be attaching the POCKET CAP FRONT to one end of your bag. And it's the "hub" because it holds all the important small stuff and tech stuff and personal stuff that you want with you no matter what. If you change configurations, you'll always move the POCKET CAP FRONT to the new configuration which means you'll always have all this key stuff with you, without any repacking or reloading.
PCF: The POCKET CAP FRONT module offers a variety of pockets organized into three "main" pockets and six "secondary" pockets for a total of nine small pockets on the front panel. In these nine pockets you'll store all the cords, cables, chargers, batteries, stylus, memory cards, USB drives, etc, for all your electronic gear. All these important items will finally be separated and organized like you've always wanted. In addition, you'll have room for your flight timer, fuel testers, E6B, flashlights, compact portable GPS, etc. Not to mention space for your wallet, keys, cellphone, business cards, multi-tool, glasses, pens, markers, and things like Ibuprofen, Chapstick, bandaids, etc, and even your digital camera. There is also a flat half-height slip pocket on the inner surface of the module where you can stow an important document or two like a copy of your medical or your passport.
Next, comes the CS2 (2-inch Center Section), which is designed to hold 13” laptops or a small collection of documents (or both). (Many, but not all, 14" laptops will also fit.) The CS2 can be accessed by unzipping the two zippers to open the entire rear panel, giving access to the gray interior. There are two adjustable Velcro "stopper straps" which serve to limit how far the cover is able to pivot open - thus keeping the cover from unintentionally flopping all the way open and dumping everything out.
The FLAT CAP REAR module offers two flat pockets on the outside, and one flat half-height slip pocket on the inner surface of the module. The primary outer pocket is accessed from the top and has a cover flap that is secured with Velcro. This where you'll likely store your iPad (as long as it's not in a thick case), or a manilla folder or two for some documents, or a magazine. There is a second flat panel that covers two-thirds of the outside of the main panel that is broken into two halves - an upper panel and a lower panel. By default, the bottom edge of the upper panel is "tucked" into the top edge of the lower panel. This allows both panels to act together as a single slip pocket that works great for sticking a boarding pass or other simple paperwork here. If the top panel is "untucked" from the bottom panel, this allows the telescoping tubes of a suitcase or folding cart to pass through and the panel serves to secure your bag to those tubes (especially when this FLAT CAP REAR is attached to other modules to form bigger bags like the B2 COMPUTE, B4 SWIFT or the B7 FLIGHT). Then, when you're done putting your BrightLine Bag on top of your suitcase, you can just "tuck" the top panel back into the bottom panel and it becomes a slip pocket again.
The B2 COMPUTE comes with a Main Handle and a Shoulder Strap. It does NOT come with the SLIM HANDLE KIT.
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