IFR and VFR terminal charts and manuals are now available on the feature-rich Garmin Pilot mobile app. This enables a
connection and easy synchronization between your Garmin cockpit unit and any iPad® and iPhone®.
There are several ways to get Jeppesen Charts in the Garmin Pilot app:
•Purchase “Jeppesen Mobile Charting Service for Gamin Pilot” – with ONE installation
•Purchase any of the following Jeppesen Charting Services – with FOUR installations
To get the Jeppesen Charts displayed subscribe to one of the available Premium IFR subscriptions sold by Garmin, which entitles you for two installations. So you need one or two free installations of the above listed Jeppesen service. Jeppesen and Garmin both offer a free 30-day trial. The Garmin trial starts with downloading the app. To view the Jeppesen charts, you must have the Jeppesen trial at the same time.